Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Summer camp in review

So by popular demand, here are a few pictures from this summer's camping activities in SWVA:

Hard at work...this was late one night during pre-camp planning

My staff hard at work during week 1

Kelsey, aka "FreakShow". Archery instructor.

Drinking on the job...

Ryan, aka "Nutter". Swim instructor.

Ok, more to come when I get better at formatting image posts.

News From Browntown

News From Browntown

Today's news from Browntown:

Since Dad is not here to report I will stand in with a report.

I had supper with Grammy at her house and as we ate we watched a Mama Bear and her adorable twins strolling from up behind the garage along the edge of the old orchard area to up behind the pool garden. What a sight and no camera at hand!! The babies were so frisky and cute, romping around and playing in the open area. When I left Grammy's house at 7 p.m. (still light out) we were standing on the porch and heard a loud "crack" of tree limbs. We thought it was the bears trying to get apples out of the old apple trees between Grammy's house and the pool garden.

I put Cleo in the car to ride down the hill home because of the proximity of bears. I didn't want her tangled up with one. We drove down the hill and I decided to drive up through the swale toward the Brogan fence to see if I could see the bears. Well, lo and behold, as I got to the edge of the meadow area where it starets to turn into high grass and bushes, a loud "CRACK" and a baby bear came scrambling down the trunk of a big tree right in front of the car! At the same time, Mama Bear's back end was disappearing around the far side of a large blackberry bush and then another baby came crashing down the tree trunk in a shower of sticks and leaves! What a surprise to have them so close! I hope they stay away during the day when Grammy is out there messing in her flower beds and mowing!

A wild storm with high wind, thunder and lashing rain kept Cleo cowering by the bed all night. It was disgustingly humid and the air was so pressurized it was physically oppressive. When I left Grammy's it was 85 degrees and I don't think it cooled off much through the night. Pale in comparison to down south, though.

That's the news from Browntown!

News From Browntown

Hello All!

We are all so fortunate to be high and dry! I talked to Grammy this AM and she said she "was on her knees for a long time" last night - maybe we should all say a prayer for the victims of Katrina and of thanks for our own relative safety.

Win had his interview yesterday and reports that it went as well as could be expected considering that it was a ridiculously unnecessary exercise. I know you did a fine job, though. You do good work for children and you have great skills and knowledge to bring to any program anywhere. You also serve as an excellent example to the children with whom you work .

Emma got her wish and is in the Grantwriting course - good luck and you will love it! She also said she is going to volunteer some hours this evening to the Red Cross Call Center. I am sure they need all the help they can get.

Andrew - keep up your good work bringing news to the world- it's exposure of the disaster that will bring in the help. By the way, congratulations on the Nancy Grace success - I read that the show is the number one rated in it's category and has runaway ratings!!! Read that on the web site you told me about. You bring an important dimension of perspective and calm to that enterprise, I am certain.

Thanks Dad for taking the initiative to give to the Red Cross disaster effort. I heard the Salvation Army Commander this AM saying that there are so many disasters he just wonders how long the American people will continue to reach into their pockets to help ... Personally, I think they will keep doing it in response to disasters as long as there is something in their pockets.

I sent Aunt Stella a long letter yesterday catching her up on our activities. SOme of you might want to send her a card or note. A simple card "wishing you well" or something would be great for her, I know. Her address:

Stella and Mario Uttaro
54 Elton St.
New Britain, CT 06053

She really was a "fairy godmother" to you all when you were little!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

News From Browntown

News From Browntown

Go to the Blog ( I THINK your sign in information is: (removed by Win because we don't want that kind of information publicly available :)

Once you've logged in, although you should be auto logged in when you launch the blog, go to the little icon up at the top that says: Blog This! It will open a new window and you can post from there. Remember to hit "Publish" after you've written your post.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Monday 8/29/05

You all give it up to mom, she's offically a blogger now! Her next assignment is to learn how to post pictures on the blog. Win, you seem to be the only one who doesn't have a digital camera to send pictures from. How about borrowing one from camp and showing us all what you're up to? I know I'd like to see pictures from some of your camps, so I'm pretty sure the others here would too. I'm in New Jersey at the moment and will be here all week attending an Agfa training course. Wednesday night there is a planned dinner outting in NYC that will include a Dave Mason concert. I'll try to get some pictures and post them here. In the meantime, post what you have.......and remember...........if you're not're not carin!


News From Browntown

This is kinda cool! I have just finished a tutorial with Dad on how to contribute to this so I will try from time to time. At least I already know how to add a comment so I can do that anyway.

Everyone have a good week!


News From Browntown

News From Browntown


Sunday, August 28, 2005

Landscape Project



Landscape Project


Saturday, August 27, 2005

this is an audio post - click to play

News From Browntown

News From Browntown

I sent Mom off to school in the rain this morning. Sorry, no pictures of the event. I did walk her to her car buses to LFCC. I hope you all had a chance to watch the video that Kris Iden sent out. It was quite powerful. If you didn't get to see it, or didn't get her email, here's the URL:

Take a minute to look. It's really very good.


Friday, August 26, 2005

News From Browntown

News From Browntown

I feel better already knowing you can actually save my life! Hope you never have to use it. Mom starts classes tomorrow (Saturday), wish her luck you all.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Anyone need CPR??

You can all feel very safe at family functions now, not only am I certified in CPR and First Aid for adults, infants, and children, I am also certified as an Instructor (as of yesterday) , and can teach you all those skills as well!

This is an old picture of Highland 5, taken while playing for Summerfest in the Virginia Highlands. We made an astounding $11 in tips that day... our first public performance. We are currently auditioning oboists, the one in the picture is with us no more. I think we are close to getting a new member however... Exciting times for Highland 5!

Friday I'm in Love

Sunday, I don't care 'bout that; Monday Tuesday heart attack...


News From Browntown

News From Browntown

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Laid back, and in the shade! Looks like Grammy enjoyed her tea. Posted by Picasa

At least Cleo was happy we were home! Although she made new friends and took walks early each morning with Grammy, something she doesn't get to do when I'm home with her.  Posted by Picasa

I'm pretty sure Andrew was happier than he appears.  Posted by Picasa

Monday morning

Pretty happy for being 8am on a Monday morning, don't you think?

Greetings from Aurora Coffee Shop! Posted by Picasa

News From Browntown

News From Browntown

I'm trying to add some pictures from the Atlanta weekend. Check back in a little while.


Thursday, August 18, 2005

Here is a pic from the cousin's party. That's Shentel and Isabella with me and uncle. Taken in Annapolis. Remember, send in your photos. If you're not sharin, you're not carin!


Wednesday evening

Mom and I are just back from dinner with aunt & uncle. We had a nice time, Kara was doing an overnight so it was good to see her too. Typical evening..........lots of political ranting and raving........good thing we all agree on that stuff, or it would be a lot louder. aunt & uncle send their best.........oh, we chased a skunk around the pool fence. that was our entertainment for the evening. see you all on friday!


Wednesday, August 17, 2005

General Stuff

I will use this to post information about our trip to Chile too! Here is a picture, of the hotel where we'll be staying. We're really looking forward to the trip. We're also looking forward to being all together in Atlanta this weekend. It's been since Win moved, that we've all been in one place. Since today is our anniversary, we're going to dinner.........nothing fancy, over to Aunt & Uncle's for the evening. Write when you can!


First Post

I hope you all can get to this blog. It's my last attempt. I'll be posting pictures, news, etc. from Browntown. Feel free to add your own!