Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Andrew Iden said...

Looks awesome dad......glad you guys made it safe and sound.....and by the way, tell me if you want to know what happened in the Dallas game.....

Andrew Iden said...

Looks great dad, glad you guys made it safe and sound!! Ill only tell you about the Dallas game if you want me too....

Andrew Iden said...

ok, apparently i didnt know how to post

Anonymous said...

have a great trip.

Andrew Iden said...

A non family member has apparently infiltrated the perimeter.....

eii said...

Looks like you guys are having fun already. Who wouldn't like a nice person bringing chocolate to your door??? Can't wait to see more pics. Who had to sit in the middle on the plane?

It's ok... we'll let Jarrett be an honorary member.

Win said...

security breach!!

Keep us updated...hope mom did ok on the long plane ride.