Thursday, September 01, 2005

News From Browntown

News From Browntown

Well, today's news from Browntown features our little BP station on Royal Avenue that is run by the Indian people. The front page of the NVD has a story entitled, (can you believe this??), "Terror at the Pump"!! Not too dramatic or over-stated, 'ya think?! Quite a story about how a Clatterbuck woman had to pay "a gut-wrenching [yeah, they actually used that term in a story about high gas prices] $2.919 per gallon for the pricier" gasoline. Maybe somebody needs a reality check about real hardship - just a minute or two viewing CNN during the past few days should do the trick. I love Dennis Lynch's growling comment about the NVD notion of news...". The NVD wouldn't know news if it bit 'em in the a--".

Anyway, gas is up to $3.11 at the 7-11 at the bridges and in Browntown we have a full truck, a full Lincoln (old school model/big tank), a full Jeep Grand Cherokee, two partially full mowers, and two full gas cans. Plus there is some gas in the tractor although I don't know how much. ALL THAT GAS TO MAINTAIN THREE PEOPLE!!! No wonder the rest of the world thinks we are all crazy here - I'm beginning to wonder myself!


Anonymous said...

I hear you on the gasoline thing mom.....

Win said...

Prices here are in line with FR...though not as bad as ATL obviously. There were lines last night, and a 70 cent increase since yesterday morning. I filled up.

Listening to a live feed of Nat. Guard radio communications in NO right now, it's scary stuff...scarier than gas prices is the complete, total and utter breakdown of law and order in the city. Been reading some blogs, and it's chaos...the police are powerless and, in some cases, joining in the looting.