News From Browntown
Okay now - Does the Superbowl officially end this madness or did the season end with the last 'Skins game of the season? High time we moved on to important matters!
The gardening season is about to commence here on "the compound" and we are gearing up for it. The tractor goes to the tractor spa this week to freshen up from winter hibernation, the ZTR has been groomed and readied and a new toy is set for delivery. Yes sirreee, the Cyclone Rake is the newest addition to the maintenance equipment inventory. According to the shipping company tracker it will be delivered on Friday and we will be busy for the next two months "raking" (more like vacuuming) last Fall's leaves.
Char and Keith gave Grammy a deer-proof fence for Christmas and soon it will be time to install it.
Grammy and I are devouring seed catalogs as they arrive daily in the mail and the plastic greenhouses we got last season are being prepared for duty. It is so exciting!
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
News From Browntown
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Harp Microphone
So here is the picture of the microphone and amplifier I got-Dad, I know you wanted to see it, this is a picture frm the website where the guy sells them-The amplifier is certainly smaller than I expected, but it does produce some decent sound-Nice and bluesy and distorted. Its all I really need to play around, but Ill post some pics of me playing with it at some point, may have to round up sister to do the photography......
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Andrew Iden
Sunday, January 29, 2006
More evidence from Atlanta
Ok, these pictures were supplied by John H. You can easily see that the subject matter in these pictures was such a rarity that the flashbulbs were popping all over the place. Enjoy, and thank you Mel for the photo op!
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All is well in the Highlands...
I just thought you might like to see how I keep things in control in the Highlands. It ain't always easy... but I try.
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Bucket Shop Photo???
Perhaps this is the photo for which you all have been clamoring??? The weekend is just not the same without The Bucket Shop...
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Friday, January 27, 2006
Everyone..........BLOG now!
Ok, it's been awhile since anyone (me) has posted anything here, so I thought it about time to start something going. I'll go first. It's been a dizzy couple of weeks, ever since the holidays ended it seems like I've been on the road. Actually I have. Fortuantely it's been mostly in and around the Atlanta area (sorry Andrew & Emma). I appreciate you both (and Jarrett) being so good about a parent being around so much. Since leaving the south I've had the good fortune of spending the better part of a week in the Norfolk/Virginia Beach area. That is always a good thing, especially during the off season there. It gave me the opportunity to meet with Robert Haines and catch up and engage in a general "what's wrong with corp. America" discussions. Also on our agenda were the Redskins, Playoffs and Superbowl. After my trip to the Tidewater area I was assigned to a clinic in New Jersey. This is NEVER a good thing. New Jersey is, well what can be said, it's New Jersey for goodness sakes. The good news is, I was only forced to be there for 2.5 days. The highlight of the trip came when I saw the crew from The Soprano's out filming! This is ALWAYS a good thing. Signaling that the next (last) season is near. Note to Win: Make sure you have your download software up to date and plenty of room on your hard drive. Mom is a knitting fool, and I mean that in a good way. She's turning out various garments faster than Cleo can decide which ones she wants as her new 'squeaker'. Actually once the yarn (is that the right term?) is no longer in a big knot, Cleo looses interest. Something about a big fluffy ball of fur that really excites her. Perhaps mom will reward her with a skein (I can't believe I know that term) with a squeaker thing inside. That's it from here, everyone have a good weekend, and blog when you can. Note: Emma, WHERE are the pictures from the Bucket Shop Cafe, you know the ones I'm referring too!
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Tuesday, January 17, 2006
News From Browntown
News From Browntown
For those who think my knitting obsession is just a weird preoccupation with sticks and string - LOOK AT THIS!
This is one of the best political statements I have seen in months!!
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News From Browntown
'Skins and Gravy
Well, the 'Skins really gave their fans a thrill this season! I can barely remember the last time there was so much Redskins mania. Of course, every game they were in since the season officially ended was gravy and they knew they were on borrowed time but it was a great ride - no??
The Bucket Shop 'Skins group has some new members including those of us who are "virtual" members and follow events thanks to Andrew's postings.
Good season despite the last loss and fun times - heck, even I enjoyed the afternoon at the Bucket Shop even though I never even once glanced at the TV! It was the live action that was most interesting and fun!
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Friday, January 13, 2006
On To Seattle......
So the picture has nothing to do with this weekend's game, it's just a little photo nod to everyone's favorite Redskin, Dexter Manley......Ok, more than 24 hours until kickoff, but I figure its never to early to get out this weekends Redskins Playoffs 2006 Assignments....So without further ado, here it goes. Got some more people with assignments this weekend, so pay close attention:
Mom-Ok, so I know Dad is down here, and you probably have no desire to watch the game by yourself, but that's not how it's going to be. You have to round up Grammy, and park it in front of the TV on Saturday at about 4:30, with a Redskins colored scarf (that's part of the assignment) and root them on. And trust me, if you dont complete the assignment, I'll know. And of course you will receive an F in class....
Grammy-Your primary assignment is...well, who am I kidding, your one of the best at getting your homework done-I know you will be watching, your primary goal is to get mom to watch with you. The gardening can be set aside for just a three hour span on Saturday.
Win-Ok, you proved me wrong last week, turns out you DO care about it-I like that attitude. We need more attitudes like that around here son. If you were right here, I'd smack your butt in a football teammate-but still awkward kind of way....So plug in with Sirius, and tune in to Larry, Sam and Sonny...If your feeling real inspired, call in during the pregame show and make some comment about how Joe Theismann is going to throw three touchdown passes and Art Monk will be on the receiving end of two of them....Seriously, that would be hilarious. You'd be a traveshamockery.laughing stock of Redskin nation, but hey, anything for a laugh, right? I say do it.....
Dad-Well, you'll be with us, so the assignment is pretty clear. Be loud. Be brave. Be rowdy. It's ok, that's acceptable behavior here.....
Em-Well, it seems as though through years of indifference, your true allegiance has begun to come through. Keep it up sister, it's appreciated, and more importantly, essential to moving forward to Detroit......
Kris-Ok, you need burgundy and gold face paint, a big foam #1 finger, and a plate full of wings......Invite the neighbors over, if they ask why, tell them it's a playoff party...if they dont wanna join you, you didnt want their company anyway....
Auntie Mels/John-Lovin the Dave Butz Jersey, that needs to make another trip to the Bucket Shop-I thought I had the coolest throwback jersey, but you one upped me last week, its ok. So bring it back, and bring John, we need everyone....
Ok team, those are the assignments for the week...I trust everyone will complete them on time, which of course is 4:30 on Saturday (changed from 3:30) As the Skins take out the overrated Seattle Seahawks....
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Andrew Iden
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
News From Browntown
Math Class Report
Okay, here goes... it defeated me thirty years ago but it will not defeat me again ... I will get through it this time ... if I can get through childbirth and child rearing, I can get through 16 weeks of three-hour, once-a-week math classes ... that is 48+ hours out of my life devoted to math at this point in my life?! AAAAAAARRGHH! As my ODU friend said last night - "Where's the justice??"
Anyway here is what happened...
I got caught at a railroad crossing for nearly 25 minutes and so was 10 minutes late arriving to LFCC and the class was already well underway. The very small classroom was very full with only one seat left which was inches away from the blackboard and under the teacher's nose. Since class had started and the seat was up front I decided to wait just outside the door and eavesdrop on the instruction until the class break. My plan was to slip in during break and get situated (I was loaded down with large purse and even larger bookbag with the very heavy and very expensive Math book in it) in a seat somewhere not in the instructor's lap.
A full hour and a half later I was still standing in the hall by the door (remember elementary school punishment?) with back breaking, sweating in the stifling hallway and my eavesdropping plan pretty much foiled by loud students in the hallway who had decided to use the area for socializing.
Finally the classroom emptied when students went on break and I went in to find the instructor was... you won't believe it!!... Mr. Atkins the Physics teacher from Warren Co. High! He taught Emma and Jaime!!
He was very nice and told me not to worry about being late and pointed out the remaining seat under his nose. I mumbled something about not being able to see up close and sort of waved my glasses around and he pointed out a seat in the middle of the room between two large young men. I squeezed myself and my very expensive math book between them and got situated. Off we go!!
The remainder of the class was math which, unfortunately for me, has not changed a bit!! It is still ridiculous with a + b = c and other such nonsense. My victory strategy this time around is to memorize whatever I need to memorize, even if it means memorizing whole chapters at a time, and hope that there is no actual "understanding of the process" required.
The young man sitting to my right kept his head bowed (well, sort of bowed or hanging, not sure which) and his eyes closed the entire class ... I am assuming from that posture that he rejects "understanding of the process" as well and that his strategy for success in math involves deep prayer of some sort. If my memorization strategy falls short and needs a boost I may have to get in on his plan somehow.
As I recall from the days of mothering WCHS students and attending parent-teacher conferences, Mr. Atkins is very sympathetic to those who put forth some effort and so I will shamelessly exploit that chink in the "teacher armor" as part of my battle plan as well. I will take any and every opportunity to ask for help or extra credit.
After class as the remaining few of us packed up in a dazed and confused state, Mr. Atkins was quite chatty and said (exact quote here), "I guess this might be new to you, Mrs. Iden. Us old-timers did not have 'sets' in math when we were learning this in school." With nary a flinch at his "old-timer" reference, I jumped right on that opportunity for a sympathy vote and chirped, "It sure is different now, Mr. Atkins. In fact, math defeated me forty years ago and that's why I am back here now at this late date in my life!" Can you tell how far I have sunk to the absolute depths with no pride and no shame in getting through this course at this point? Pretty disgusting to play the "poor little ol' me" tune but if that's what it takes... victory strategy is basically a three-pronged approach of 1) memorizing the text to get through tests, 2) badgering for extra credit, 3) sucking up/appearing pathetic ...
Also keeping Mike Natrella's telephone number close at hand.
Hey, it may be weak but it beats the strategy for victory in Iraq!
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News From Browntown
Weather and Birthday News From Browntown
The weather yesterday was absolutely beautiful! Grammy reports Spring-like activities in Browntown with planting bulbs, finding new little growing things under the leaves and a very playful and active Cleo! Grammy and Cleo spent some time in the garden surveying the situation and tidying up from early winter. She reports some bulb planting using the bulbs Win gave us for Christmas. With any luck, the snow and ice we had early in December will be the extent of winter this year. Sure would be nice to save on those heating bills.
Emma reported beautiful weather in Atlanta also with trees in her neighborhood that transformed from little buds when she left for work in the a.m. to full bloom by the time she returned for lunch at mid-day!
Reports from Char indicate she had a very nice birthday spent with Abby and Haley and some other doggie friends (both human and canine) at a dog sporting event - could she be any happier on her day??. You know how all these sports are going from simple leisure activities to "extreeeeme" something or other - extreme skiing, extreme skateboarding, extreme biking, etc? From what I can gather Auntie Char, Haley and Abby have entered a similar sporting world - only for dogs. Some kind of "extreme" agility, I think. Anyway, Cleo's cousins performed very well and it was a happy day for Auntie Char.
Win has not yet reported in on his Birthday activities but he will be in Browntown tonight so a full accounting is forthcoming. Sam, Daniel and Win are going to a conference at the NOVA 4-H Center and will be our overnight guests in Browntown. I am looking forward to meeting the folks who get to work with Win every day.
My experience in school last night is worthy of a blog entry of it's own so watch for the next report and I sure hope Jaime is reading!!
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Tuesday, January 10, 2006
News From Browntown
Happy Birthday First Son!
It was a really happy day January 10, 1976! Win's arrival was such a happy event for all of us. hard to believe it was actually in the last century! Looking forward to seeing you and your colleagues tomorrow, Win.
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Saturday, January 07, 2006
On The 8th Day, God Created Joe Gibbs
So here we are, just five hours (as of this posting) to the kickoff of NFC WildCard Weekend, and well, four of the six experts on Sports Illustrated's website are picking the Redskins to win. More importantly, Peter King, the SI NFL Columnist who continually rips the Redskins for anything they do has picked them to win, so who knows, maybe we have some mojo in our favor now. Ok, here iss everyone's game day assignments in order to make sure the Skinnies pull it out and advance to round #2:
Dad-Make some wings. Lots of them. Hot sauce preferably, but if your all out, just drown them in ranch, that always works. Oh yeah, and read the article about Chris Cooley in the Post today. Good stuff.
Mom-You may not like it, but your going to need to eat some of those wings and provide some support as well. Whether its in the form of knitting and glancing at the tv every minute or so, or staring transfixed at the game, either way, it will help.
Win-Ok, so your going to need to-uh, wait, who am I kidding, you dont care. At least I dont think you do, I could be wrong.
Emmalee-Your going to need to come to the Bucket Shop with me and provide some good cheer as well-you've made it this far, we will indoctrinate you in the world of playoff football....and really, it IS a whole new world.
Grammy-I trust that you will be watching, and you have no assignment. Your support is rock solid, and the team knows that. Joe told me so:)
Uncle Rich-Well, well, well, Captain Negativity, it's hard to be negative when the team makes it to the playoffs now isnt it? This is a game that we will win, whether you want them to or not, but I trust that through all your bad karma, and refusal to watch the Redskins, and insistence that they will lose, you will be watching and a small part of you will cheer and root them on. So dont hide your feelings. Shed that layer of pessimism, open up your heart, and let the Redskins back into your life. You will be glad you did.
Kris-Hey there, not sure if you care, but based on the fact that you live in Philadelphia, well, sorry for that. Must be no fun in an Eagles city these days. Although any bad luck for that organization is a wonderful thing if you ask me. Go Skins....repeat it......ok, now one more time, yeah, you got it. We'll trust your going to be ready for kickoff at 4:15
Ok everyonem, now go forth, and spread good vibes and karma, and all that woo woo stuff....or just eat some wings and watch some football, whatever floats your boat. I mean really, its not THAT important or anything....
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Andrew Iden
Friday, January 06, 2006
News From Browntown
News From Browntown
News from Browntown is that all is getting back to normal now. Grammy, Dad and I are all home from our Holiday travels and family visits and found Cleo in fine shape (actually really, really fat since the Shelton kids feed her ENORMOUS amounts of food and LOTS of treats when we are gone - so she is on a diet along with me - both of us recovering from Holiday excess). All in all it was a great holiday and we had a wonderful time with various family members and friends in all locations! The only ones on extended travel now are Rich and Ginger who are doing their January in Florida thing and will be back in February. Mel, Gary and John travel so much I cannot begin to keep up with their schedules! Just know that they are on the road one way or another pretty much all the time.
Our experience at the Bucket Shop with the Redskins fans was so much fun and Vicki (the den mother of the Redskins fan club in Atlanta) featured our clan visit in her e-mail! I guess Grammy and I won't be returning for the playoff game this week-end but hope to make it next season for at least a game or two - Grammy would really enjoy the fan fellowship fun!
School starts for me tomorrow with a Sat. a.m. communications class. Math is on Monday nights. I don't even have my books yet - I really need to get out of holiday mode and gear up for the semester now that it is here.
Upcoming birthdays are the next family mile stones - Auntie Char on 1/7 (wow- that is tomorrow!), Win on 1/10 (I cannot believe it is the BIG THREE OH for Win!!) and Grammy, Kara and Isabella in February.
Don't forget to post a message here once in a while so we can keep up with all the comings and goings.
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Sunday, January 01, 2006
Happy New Year
Happy New Year to all. Mom and I had the pleasure of hosting everyone at Maggiano's Italian Restaurant here in Atlanta, and from the pictures below you'll certainly see that a good time was had. After much laughter, eating, more laughter and more eating we parted with the younger set as they made their way to concerts and celebrations, opting instead for a quieter and more laid back New Year's Eve. The next day was filled with visits to Melanie and John's home in Woodstock, GA and then off to the Redskin game in Buckhead (see posts below). Here's hoping everyone had as nice of a start to '06 as we did. See you soon!
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On to the Playoffs!!!
It's official! The Redskins are IN THE PLAYOFFS! The win was made even sweeter with the addition of the entire Browntown Iden family at the Bucket Shop Cafe located in beautiful downtown Buckhead, Atlanta. Attending the game were myself, Win, Emmalee, Andrew, Mom, Auntie Mels and John. Rounding out this motely crew were, Jarrett, Rachel and Campbell. You'll notice from the pictures that indeed, a good time was had by all. Complete with the Miller Beer tasting officals whose presence made poor Campbell uncomfortable, although no one really understood why. Auntie Mels, try as she might, could not escape the rowdiness of the crowd (note her picture trying to hide her face, although she may have been just trying to talk over the crowd to mom). Surveying the crowd it was determinded that there were even more "locals" who were transplated from the DC area. Even Mr. I LOVE it when the run the ball, attended O'Connell High in Arlington. Who knew? At anyrate, the day was a complete success and ended with Mom trying to get in touch with Grammy to book flights to Atlanta for the rest of the playoffs. It seems that SOMEBODY had a very good time watching the loonies here at Atlanta's offical Redskin bar. Great job Andrew in finding this place. I'm sure we'll all be back next season. Until then.......GO SKINS!!!
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