I'm glad to see SOMEONE is posting: MOM. While I'm stuck in B'more there is a lot of stuff going on at home. I can't WAIT to get the Cyclone Rake hooked up and clean up the left over leaf situation from the fall. Mom and I are waiting for a visit from Win and Kris in April, and the fresh coat of paint on the homestead to begin shortly. You all will not recognize the place when you come home! Much is happening and I'll update you with pictures as things progress. In the meantime I urge you all to post as often as you can with any news that happens. Oh, by the way, I find that I'll be in B'more on Opening Day (Andrew I'm sure you'd be amazed) that there are many tickets STILL available for the O's opening at Camden Yard on 4/3. I WON'T be there as I have to work that day!
PS: check out the pictures that Uncle Rich took of their trip to OC recently:
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Notes from B'more
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News From Browntown
News From Browntown
It's been a while!! March has been pretty quiet so far. I always dread the ice storms we frequently get this month of the year but so far none have materialized and we are simply suffering from a near-drought. The blooming things are really starting to pop out and I know there is loads of pollen in the air - lots of snorting and sneezing going on with everybody. We need rain to gree everything up and dampen down the flying dust!
Dad is in Baltimore this week. I am holding down the fort looking forward to the end of the one single class I took this semester. Comm 301 - Communication Between Sexes was a bit too much "Dr. Phil"-type stuff for me and I'm ready for it to be done. Spending every Saturday morning in class was not so bad in the winter time when there was no outdoor work to do but it's time to get in gear for Spring yard work now.
I had a meeting with the advisor at school and it looks like I will have to make up some lower level science and math classes through LFCC. It's the stuff I put off taking for 35 years and now I have to face it. Oh well, it's not like I'm in a rush to get this done, I guess. I do need some advice, though from you good children who did not follow my poor example. You bit the bullet and did what was required so now I need to know -
1. Math or Statistics
Which should I take? You all know all the issues involved and share some of my math anxiety issues so let me know what you recommend.
2. What science?
I know I can take geology but I have to take something else also so let me know what you think might work for that requirement.
Thanks kids!
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Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Atlanta Update
Well, because I tend to not post to the blog, that often, and I am suddenly in the mood to do a little writing, I figured Id update with what's been going on in Georgia the last few days. Emmalee has completely unwound from her debut performance with Highland 5 (at least I think she has anyway) Apparently, she has gotten past it SO MUCH that she has officially filled out her own NCAA Tournament bracket. What world do we live in when Emmalee is fretting over the NCAA Championship brackets, and I'm not even bothering to fill one out? Oh well, Im skippin it this year.
As for me, work has been pretty hectic lately, Nancy has been doing the show from Atlanta this week, which always makes things a little more stressful around the building. I've also been practicing harmnica in the mornings when Emmalee is gone, and with Jarrett in Peru for two weeks, it leaves the house pretty open to playing in the morning with no one around. Between work and doin those things, I have been pretty busy as well.
This weekend Emmalee and I, as well as some friends of ours are going to be heading to Smiths Olde Bar to see a great rock band we listen to, The Codetalkers. I've never been one to do much celebration on St. Patrick's Day, but for this one, I will make a sacrifice. Should be good times all around, we have a large group of about 9 or so going.
The weather here has been kind of wacky, last weekend it was downright hot on Sunday, with the sun beating down at about 85 degrees, but this week has been kind of cool, and downright windy. Im hoping this weekend it clears up a liittle and the warm weather returns so I can spend some time outside.
Im sure things in Browntown are in full gear with three tractors, a ZTR, a leaf rake, a leaf blower, and who knows what else. To be honest, I've officially lost track of what you guys are using for lawn care these days. Anywayy, just figured I would check in, glad to hear you enjoyed Kris's opening mom and Auntie Char-I heard from Michael today, he is apparently coming through Atlanta in a few weeks, I think Emmalee and I are going to take him to dinner. Anyway, thats whats up with us down here......Glad to hear everyone else is doing well....
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Andrew Iden
News From Browntown
Auntie Char and I are taking the responsibility for reviewing the second art event for the family this month. We attended the Miller Galler opening of Kris's show at Bridgewater College on Monday. Her work was, of course, lovely. She included some pieces that featured a technique using beeswax. They were really beautiful! The wax adds such a unique quality to the image and Char and I both were so impressed with the show overall. Char signed up for the mailing list and will keep me informed of events.
The gallery is small and very nice. The gallery director is also an instructor at Bridgewater. He and Char knew some folks in common in the academic world there in Harrisonburg - work colleagues and such. He is also a potter and we were quite taken with the pottery used to serve the food for the reception! Beautiful stuff!
Kris is moving forward in transition mode with one foot here in the U.S. and one foot "across the pond". Christian was there and we had a moment to talk. He seems to be looking forward to the prospect of being in Germany soon. Dad and I are hoping to get together with them for at least a brief visit before they leave the U.S.
The Lion of March paid a commanding visit to Browntown and vicinity yesterday. Incredible winds and the tin roof roared all night long!! Sunshine and heavy blowing snow today on the way to work was an odd combination - although pretty typical of early Spring in the Valley!
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Monday, March 13, 2006
Highland 5 Debut Performance
So after months of anticipation, rehearsals gone right, rehearsals gone wrong, one old oboe player and a new oboe player, and internal strife over the setlists, the Highland 5 made their long awaited debut at Holy Cross Catholic Church yesterday, to a good sized crowd. Initial reviews are good, and if Little Feat is known as "the jamband's jamband"-well then, Highland 5 can easily be referred to as "the woodwind quintet's woodwing quintet." No really, the show was great, Emmalee and the others showed that they really are good at what they do, although Emmalee will tell you different. She will tell you none of them were on the same page, and that it wasnt that great of a performance, but of course, we all know how critical Emmalee is of herself. "The Girl With The Flaxen Hair" a favorite of fan Jarrett Bellini's, was a sure fire hit. There were a number of other sings, that honestly I dont know the name of, but they were good. Emmalee was presented with a dozen red roses by the Rupley roommates, as congratulations for her months of hard work with the 5. The crowd, which they quietly worried wouldn't be that big, was just fine. Ryan and Lori, two good friends ouf the Rupley house, attended, and Jarrett and I both had dates that came as well. No really, we had DATES. Nothing says class like a Sunday night at a woodwind quintet concert. Ryan Bybee, a band director friend of Emmalee's, as well as Ian, Audrey's boyfriend were also in attendance, along with some old blue hairs from the church, one of which asked when the record was coming out. Oh well, god bless 'em for showing up. Anyway, the show was great, and Emmalee as well as the other four are very glad that its over. Back to the drawing board, and prepare for the tour which kicks off this summer at a church near you. Talks are ongoing with Phil Lesh about sitting in on some of the west coast shows. My pictures turned out like crap, I have some good ones, but will update as soon as I get them imported, and all that.
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Andrew Iden
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Cyclone Rake Maiden Voyage
Ok, it's officially spring time here in Browntown. Mom and I headed out this morning to tackle the left over leaves from fall with the newest piece of equipment here on the compound, the AMAZING CYCLONE RAKE! You will notice from the pictures the ease of use. Within a few short moments, Mom was a pro at using it. We did not have it fully engaged to either tractor, opting instead for the quick assembly and use of the wand attachment. This (along with a 17' hose) allows us to get to those hard to reach places, you kids remember, flower beds, stairwell of the sping house and basement??? Well, let me tell you......you all could only wish this thing was around when you were here! The good news is, it will be here anytime you visit! I'm thinking of sending in the pictures of mom sucking up leaves to the manufacturer, or maybe to the lawn geeks bulletin boards to show just how easy it is to use. They love testimonials. Hope you all have a great weekend, get out enjoy the beautiful weather (75 degrees in BT)blog when you can. Andrew & Emma, it would be great to see some pictures of the concert tomorrow night. I'm off to go rest, tiring don't you know, driving the tractor around while mom operated the rake :)
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Friday, March 10, 2006
News From Browntown
Artists in the Family
The Iden family sure has it's share of artistic talent and soon the public and family members in two states will have a chance to share!
Emmalee will be in concert with her woodwind quintent, the Highland Five, on Sunday night. I understand that there will be family support with Andrew and Auntie Mels in attendance to "Bravo" them on. Just wish we could be there too, Em. Dad, Grammy and I are thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way! I know it will be a wonderful concert. Hope your brother takes and posts some pix!
Cousin Kris will have her work on exhibit in Bridgewater with an opening set for Monday evening. Auntie Char and I will be going to that event here in VA. We are so looking forward to it!
How about that - to have a talent pool so deep and so broad it can spread over the Southeast U.S.!
This week-end in Browntown all manner of outdoor equipment will be put to good use while the weather is in full out Spring mode. Supposed to be in the seventies and sunny both Saturday and Sunday and I am on Spring Break!! Yeah!! I opted to stay in Browntown and play in the dirt rather than go to Ft. Lauderdale and play in ... whatever.
Break a Leg, Em!!
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Saturday, March 04, 2006
Supplies for Liberia
Mom and I got the March shipment off to Mr. Garbla today with only a minor glicth here and there. The barrels that we used this time, were donated from Royal Crown Cola in Winchester. After sitting outside all night in the Meeting House, they were extremely cold when we went to shrink wrap them this morning. All seemed ok until we got to Mr. Garbla's shop and unloaded them from the van. The shrink wrap never got warm enough to bond to itself and the tops just fell off. Imagine Mom's mood at that moment!! After consulting with various Mr. Garbla's (there are several family members who attend to the shop in Md.) it was decided that good old duct tape would fix it just fine. Off to town to hunt down a roll of duct tape. Now, one would think that in an urban area like College Park, MD it would be pretty easy to find a store that sells the tape. No suck luck, I guess the 'Terp students don't have a great need for duct tape. One hour (and a couple of accident related (not mine) traffic jams, we returned, fixed the shipment and off it went!
"I said, that'll be cash on the barrel-head son..." (Excuse the Gram Parson / Emmylou Harris song reference) but that is exactly what is going on below as Mom prepares payment for delivering the shipment: Money well spent to have the very competent Garbla Shipping Co. deliver the goods. Pictured with Mom is Nathaniel Garbla "baby-brother" to Arthur Garbla(Owner). Arthur not only arranges the deliveries, but flies to Liberia and is there to meet the ship when it docks, unloads and delivers.
I thought you all might like to see more of the Garbla Shipping Co.'s main warehouse / auto repair shop / home away from home, located in greater Hyattsville, MD. This place is a trip! Mom and I are impressed everytime we visit with how nice, friendly and eager to help, everyone always is here. Today was no exception, and when our barrel tops failed, they were right there to lend a hand. Notice the stacks of boxes, crates, barrel's, etc. lining the wall........these are all items waiting to be packaged and sent. Outside this building, Mr. Garbla showed us with some pride, a 4 x 4 pickup truck that he was going to pack in the container. I believe he drains every ounce of liquid (oil, anti-freeze, etc.) from the vehicles, stands them on end, pushes them into the containers, and off they go! Amazing!!
That's all for now from me. I'm sure Mom will have postings and other comments (after she finishes her homework). It was a good day for LOEP and a better day for the children in Liberia. Thanks to ALL of you for making it possible!
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Friday, March 03, 2006
News From Browntown
News From Browntown
A busy week-end planned here in Browntown. Dad, Grammy, Barbara Greco and I will be packing up the Liberia barrels tonight and delivering them to Mr. Garbla in Hyattsville tomorrow. Barbara is bringing dinner (for us) and rice (for the orphans) and we will be busy sorting and packing.
Thanks to Kris and Christian, Gina and Thomas, Char and Keith, Grammy, Emmalee, Melanie and John. In addition, we are so lucky to have great friends who have come through. Michael Natrella has signed on for this shipment and Phylis Benner and Carrie Tomechko are sponsoring again this time.
We will send the medical supplies and school supplies as we did last time. Two barrels go to the Liberian Red Cross with medical supplies, baby formula, some clothing and rice. The medical supplies and baby formula are used by Red Cross medical teams who go out into the coutryside to conduct "clinics" periodically. They reach people who have absolutely no health care or medical attention at all. Often people walk many miles to the makeshift clinics to get help sometimes carrying a sick baby on their back or carrying an old person on a two-man litter. Hard to believe that happens anywhere in the 21st century.
The rice and clothing is used in the Red Cross children's center which shelters orphans and vulnerable children (ie. street children, some as young as six and seven fending for themselves like little wild animals).
Char and Keith and some folks in Harrisonburg are sending seeds as explained in the earlier e-mail. Keith said there are enough collard greens seeds to grow collards to feed the whole country! The seeds are being sent to the Alfred and Agnes Memorial Orphan Mission (AAMOM). The seed barrel will also be filled out with rice, powdered milk, children's clothing and school supplies.
We have several boxes of children's books donated by Jennifer Pickrell. Jennifer is an old school mate of Win and Emma's and is now a school mate of mine! We have talked about the Liberia project and she wanted to donate her childhood books to the effort. There are lots of them (not surprised, huh, Win and Em?) and they are in excellent condition.
Big Lots shopper that I am, on my regular excursions there I find the children's arts and crafts stuff and school supplies irresistable. I see a box of crayons and the lovely sound of those orphans singing just rings in my ears! As often as I go to BL the stuff really accumulates!
For planning purposes, you might want to know that the next shipment is scheduled for June. It would be great if we had the resources to send a couple of mobile classrooms then. I will blog and e-mail details on those!
Also will post some pix of tonight's packing job and tomorrow's delivery.
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Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Cyclone Rake
Ok, many have you have asked for a picture of the latest implement that I've acquired. Well, here it is! I have not taken a picture of the "rake" attached to either the "Kobota" or the "ZTR" but the one I'm showing represents the "guts" of the thing. As of now, no more hand raking will be done on the Browntown property! Any of you that want to experience the "rake" are welcome! The image shown is from the Cyclone Rake web site, http://www.cyclonerake.com/
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