Thursday, April 20, 2006

News From Browntown

Wonderful Mid-Day Surprise and a Second Chance to get Pix!

What a nice lunchtime surprise I had today when Aunt Stella phoned to tell me she and Vickie were on the way to Winchester and wanted to stop by my office! I have been a bit disappointed that we failed so miserably in documenting their visit with photos so this was a welcome second chance and, of course, another opportunity to visit. We met at Golden Corral and the four of us (John Thomas was also along for the ride) had a nice lunch. We came back to the office and I showed Stella and Vickie the blog. They were so pleased to see all of you and even got to be "introduced" to Kris! Stella's reaction was "Oh, she is so cute and I am so happy Win found somebody!" - can't you just hear her?

I took some pix (had to go the corner convenience store and buy a disposable camera) of us at the office so as soon as they are developed maybe Dad can post them here.

It was so great to see them and re-connect even for a short visit. We are all looking forward to another visit in Connecticut. Vickie has it all figured out where we will go to sightsee including a museum that has fabulous artwork including Degas, Monet, etc. Em, I also found out today that Stella and Vickie's nephew in California (their brother's grandchild) plays bassoon! He is 18 and has already played at Carnegie Hall with a group from his high school! They went to hear him play there and it was quite a thrill, of course.

The weather today is gorgeous! Hope I can get some yard work done this evening since the week-end will be a wash-out. It is supposed to rain both Sat and Sun.

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