Monday, July 10, 2006

News From Browntown

News From Browntown
Even though there are no pics, we did actually get our yard work done this week-end as promised in Friday's blog entry. It took three separate trips to the hardware store and one trip to Lowe's but Dad persevered and we finally have the pig set up and functioning. At this point we will have to trip the sump pump manually every now and then because the rain seems to have stopped and no more is forecast - why am I not surprised that drought would set in just as we finally have our water collection system in place?! Anyway, it is a beautiful thing!

Sorry there are no pics as yet. Dad has found the camera instruction manual and e-mailed me the web site but I have had no time to study up yet. Maybe this week I will get the hang of it. Then all can see the pig in it's newly renovated garden spot along the side of the house where Nana's ramp used to be.

Char, there will also be yarn pics! Good idea about our very own craft blog by the way. We could work on a lot of collaborative stuff I think.

It is so nice to know that you are practicing your instrument, Andrew, even though Em has been out of town and unavailable to sign practice cards. Good Boy! I know your teacher will be pleased at your progress. We can work on the squirrel problem when Grammy and I get down there. She will be rested from victory in the groundhog wars and will have all sorts of experience to draw from in engaging the Rodents of Rupley in battle.

Win must be totally immersed in camp - no surprise there - I am assuming that he is still within the borders of the Commonwealth since we have had no notice to the contrary.

Em - pics of Rachel in Indiana are coming, we hope.


Beth said...

Actually there has been some third hand communication of Win's whereabouts and he is still in Abingdon and still at camp! A Win sighting of sorts.

Win said...

Third-hand? From whom?

I'm still here, just never get any online time except on the weekends, and by then I don't have anything interesting left in my head to write about.

I've been kicking around the idea of a photo-essay, "A Day at Camp"...just need to find the time to do it, and Blogger's pic posting capabilities leave something to be desired.