After many months of planning and information gathering, the LOEP website is officially up and running. Please stop by and take a look. Comments are welcomed. Keep in mind that the website is a labor of love and not a professional website by any means. What we tried to do was get information out about LOEP and the children of the orphanages. If you would like further information about LOEP, please take a minute to drop us an email (from the website link) and we'll be happy to provide you with the requested info. The picture of this little cutie is just one of hundreds at the orphanges. Enjoy the website and we look forward to hearing from you all. Thanks to Google for making it easy to do. The website address is:
Monday, March 26, 2007
Loep Web Site
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Thursday, March 22, 2007
It's been a couple of months since anyone posted anything on the blog. Now, I know everyone is busy doing this and that, working, etc. BUT surely there must be something going on in your lives that you would like to share. Come on you people.......Ok I'll start, Mom and I are going to Mexico in May. It's a trip that I won from Agfa. We'll be taking a long weekend in Cancun at some resort. Although not the kind of trip that we'd normally take, we'll go because (a) it will be nice to get away, and (b) it's free :) I'll be posting pictures.
We are excited about seeing Kris and Gina in a few days. Both are in town visiting and Aunt & Uncle are hosting a "thing" for them while they're here. It will be great to see both. Again, pictures should be forthcoming.
Mom and I have been busy getting the LOEP web site ready. The unveiling will be very shortly. All of this comes at a time while one of the Liberian Orphan directors is in town. From CRM we will finally get to meet a representative. Pictures? you bet!
Post when you can........I know the weather is getting nicer and all of you will be busy doing outside chores, but keep in touch!
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