Yes, the dogs finally discovered the pond. Walking down to the pond and seeing them both out in the middle of it, smiling, one could almost sense them thinking "all this and a pond too!" Anyway, it was quite a weekend here on the compound with the guys.
It was quite an exciting time on the compound. Duke and Maxx met Aunt & Uncle who came to watch the Redskin game. Fortunately it was a 4pm game which gave us plenty of time to get the dogs bathed and cleaned up. Now, a bath and grooming would not be something we would ordinarily do because of a visit by Aunt & Uncle (or anyone else).
BUT as you can see from the stunning photographs (click on a photo to view full size), Maxx & Duke having discovered the pond were in to shape to have company. To say they smelled bad is an understatement. They stunk so bad that we had to hose them down just to be able to allow them onto the back deck (which we had to "wall off" to make sure they didn't go BACK to the pond). A quick backyard shampoo was in order which proved useless in combating the slime, grime and pond scum that clung so tightly to their soft long coats. Off to Petco for a professional 'emergency' grooming. It is probably a good thing that Front Royal now has that shiny new shopping center north of town with Petco and others, since we now have what amounts to an open account at the pet store. Fortunately for us, they were able to 'work' the boys in, have them all neat and clean, smelling nice and ready for their first Aunt & Uncle meeting. They (the dogs) are a trip! The day went well, Uncle who is not a big dog person, enjoyed the guys and Maxx, sensing maybe he needed to be extra nice to Uncle, immediately sat at his feet and propped his head on Uncle's shoe all the while looking up at him with those eyes that say "i know you really like me". Quite a day! Too bad the Skins had to ruin it all by losing to the hated New York Football Giants. Oh well, on to the next game (and dog adventure). Stay tuned...
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
"You didn't tell us there was pond too!"
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Sunday, September 09, 2007
Cleo RIP
Sadly our beloved Cleo has passed away. Her long battle with arthritis and old age finally got the best of her on August 19, 2007. It was a sad day here in Browntown for mom, me and grammy. Cleo was a sweetheart til the very end, and even made her passing an easy event for us all. She is now with her doggie friends who went before her, buried out beyond the pool garden in the area reserved for all of the Browntown dogs who went before her. Remember her fondly, because she gave us all so many good memories and great times. We miss her and know you all will too.
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Introducing Maxx & Duke
Mom and I would like to introduce everyone to Maxx and Duke, the latest additions to our Browntown family. They came to live with us last Friday and are settling in quite nicely. Maxx is the sweet old guy with the white face. He's 11 or 12 yrs. old and quite the character. He immediately let us know that he enjoys anything soft: squeaker toys to balls of mom's yarn. So far no damage to any of her projects, although he eyes them longingly. Duke is Maxx's best friend and sticks to him like glue. Duke is about 6 - 7yrs old and is a HUGE boy! While we haven't been able to get an accurate weight on him, records show that he's somewhere around 125lbs. Fortunately he's a sweetheart and not the least bit aggressive but rather mild mannered. They were both rescued from a Golden rescue outfit in West Virginia and both are quite happy to live in Browntown now. We (and they) hope to see you all soon.
Both of the guys have found the fish barrell and enjoy many long drinks from it. The fish doesn't seem to mind.
Maxx has a very unique "Angel-like" personality. You kids all remember Angel? and her total disregard for personal space? Well Maxx has that same personality. I've wondered over the last couple of days if Angel has been reincarnated, or has she sent Maxx to us? In any event, he's very entertaining to be around as you can see from his performance when I tried to pose him.
Duke on the other hand is quite content to just sit and look regal. Quite a handsome fellow isn't he?
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