Just in case some of you haven't seen Uncle's picture website, here are just a few of his latest entries. Just back from Jax where he and Aunt visited with Gina & Thomas. Gina looks great don't you think?
Aunt & Gina .... looking good!
Gina & Thomas......welcome to Jax!
Surf's up! Thomas's beach - ride
Monday, October 22, 2007
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Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Mexico Pictures
I'm feeling lazy... so I'll just say for the moment - I concur with Andrew. The trip was definitely a blast. I did not go to the ruins, and opted instead to go snorkeling, which was fantastic. Here are some pictures for you all to enjoy. I took about 270... I'm only posting a few right now though. :-) Mom/Grammy - not to worry, it's only a henna tattoo, it's already fading.
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Livin' La Vida Loca
Well the much anticipated Mexico journey has come and gone-Im returning to work, Emmalee is returning to work as well, but we are all a little more tan, some of us a little more crispy than others. A great time was had by all, the wedding of Ryan and Lori went off without a hitch, and the only change was when the heavens opened up, and they were forced to get married underneath a roof, rather than on the beach as was originally the plan. In addition to sitting around on the beach all day, or by the pool, me and Jarrett and a handful of others took an all day trip to the ancient city of Chichen Itzah, which has just recently been named one of the 7 Wonders Of The World. And honestly, while it was amazing to see up close, it was a little disappointing that the Meixcan government has allowed the place to turn into a flea market of sorts, exploiting the place for every last peso they can get.
We also were able to swim and jump around in a cenote, a natural spring that the Mayans swam in as well-This was the highlight of the trip to Chichhen Itzah as the heat was absolutely unbearable (Dad, I thought often how you dealt with it) I was lugging around my video camera, in addition to there being NOWHERE to escape the sun, and temperatures in the upper 90's, miserable may not even be the right word.
Aside from Chichen Itzah, Jarrett, myself, Ryan and a few of the other guys ventured into the town of Playa Del Carmen, and wandered up and down 5th Avenue, the main drag where all the tourists hang out-We were serenaded by a mariachi band, drank Mexican beer (which, for all intents and purposes is the same as American beer) and listened as various locals tried to sell us tequila. We weren't buying. Even IF the guy in the street referred to me as "Mr. Whiskers."
The return home was fine for most, except me as Spirit Airlines (note, dont use them they are rude, cheap, and apparently have no idea how to handle luggage) managed to losy my backpack, which had my cellphone and blackberry inside, as well as my still camera. Yes, yes, I know, why did I pack them in the bag--Well, in an attempt to minimize the random crap I had on me at the security checkpoints, I was trying to be minimal with various items I would have to take out of my pockets-Well, now all those items are likely now sitting on a runway in Fiji or something. No phones for me, and no backpack. And the folks at Spirit couldn't be less helpful or clueless when it comes to finding it. Good times had by all, have more pics, will post when I get them....
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Andrew Iden