Wednesday, September 13, 2006

It's The New Toy On 991 Rupley....

Dad, Win, check it's the newest arrival.........


Gary said...

WOW! just WOW!!! next up......HD

Andrew Iden said...

Well, we HAVE the HD, we just havent gotten it all hooked up yet....

eii said...

I'm glad I finally wore my roomates down and they agreed to get the tv I've been wanting... it was a tough fight, but I think I came out on top. That's right, house of Stalin.

Gary said...

I detect a hint of sarcasim in your post. Just wait, you're going to LOVE HGTV in HD, just ask your mother :)

Beth said...

What in the world are you watching??!

Anonymous said...

Beth-I predicted your reaction when I saw what was on the screen-this is hilarious-You are SO perdictable!

Anonymous said...

OOPS- I CAN spell- predictable!

Andrew Iden said...

Honestly, I have no clue...but I know watching the Redskins get brutalized by the Cowboys was NOT fun on the big screen....

Gary said...

yes, the Disaster in Dallas was painful even on a small 42" screen. Better times are coming! I understand that Tom Cruise is going to give pep talks at halftime from now on.