Thursday, September 15, 2005

News From Browntown

News From Browntown
The news from Browntown is that we have more eggplant! Four are ripening now and will be gone by the time we get back from Chile. Grammy will have eggplant Parmagiana coming out of her ears! They are beautiful growing things - really a lovely vegetable.

I think October will be "Hoop House" month. I will get started on laying the groundwork for the greenhouse and then be ready to put it together in early Spring. Just in time to give the tomatoes, eggplant, herbs and squash a head start. It is going to be out back between the pool garden and our garage. Just beyond where the basketball net used to be.

I had to take my first "proctored writing assignment" last night since I am going to be gone when the rest of the class has it. I had to write a 750 word essay describing a process so I wrote about how to construct a hoop house and about the value to gardeners. It was way more nerve wracking than I thought it would be!

Got an e-mail from Rolando. They are such lovely people and I cannot wait to see them!

I just noticed that if you click on the "pencil" icon down in the corner, you can post directly to the Blog and NOT just a comment. That way you can see your post without having to open up the "comment" thing.

You can
even make the text different colors! Pretty cool, huh?


eii said...

I remember when I was in Mr. Boyers' class and we had to write a process essay on making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and brushing our teeth. Of course he demonstrated both, on a day when he didn't eat cruhed Doritos with milk for breakfast. Old Teacher Kenny...

Beth said...

I remember you all talking about that - both the writing assignment and the nasty breakfast menu!

Gary said...

How many points would a bowl of crushed Doritos be? I'm thinking you could substitute Zero coke for the milk thus lowering the points! We may be on to something here!!