Wednesday, October 05, 2005

An Appalachian Update

Well, I figured it's been a while since I gave a report on what's happening in the great southwest of Virginia. Currently, I have a group of 25 Elderhostelers down the hall singing Bach's Cantata No. 4 and several other pieces, practicing for their concert on Friday night at Emory.

Just this morning, I got all dolled up in my coat and tie (big boy clothes!) for our District Fall Conference, at which the new Interim Director of VCE along with all the other Ivory Tower bosses gave updates, before they all headed back here to the Center for lunch. So we had quite the dignitaries here, along with every 4-H, ANR & FCS agent in the Southwest District.

After all of that, I'm preparing to emcee and participate in the Elderhosteler's Talent Revue tonight. Never let it be said that a Program Director doesn't wear a plethora of different hats.

Our corn maze is entering it's sixth week of operation, and with over 1000 visitors so far we are starting to turn a profit. We've been working there every weekend, and will continue to do so through Halloween. With all that, and all the programs going on in the last few weeks, I'm going to take a small break next week to breathe.

I have a Cloverbud Camp coming up right before Thanksgiving, it will be an Autumn Harvest Theme. I'm also excited about a new camp counselor training program that I'm implementing beginning this month. As you all know, all counselors and volunteers at camp must have 24 hours of training during the year before camp, which is quite a challenge for Extension Agents. I've planned a series of camp training mini-workshops, one each month for the next six months. They will be day-long Saturday sessions, and each one will focus on one aspect of planning evening programs, creating strong group identities and dynamics, and dealing with youth behavior. Counselors from around the district will be invited, and they can pick and choose which ones they want to attend. It's an idea I first had several years ago in Warren County, and now I'm able to implement it. It'll be the first really new thing I've done here, so I'm excited about it.

So that's what's happening here. Glad mom & dad got home safe, and I had a great time in ATL last week. I guess we'll all see each other at Thanksgiving...


eii said...

Wow Win, that counselor training sounds great. That is exciting that you can start to implement some of your own programs. Have fun at the corn maze. :)

Gary said...

Sounds like you are even busier now, AFTER summer, than DURING summer! I'm glad you had an opportunity to get away and visit the Atlanta siblinigs. I'm sure you all had a great time. The training program sounds exicting, good luck with it. I was able to change our reservations at Thanksgiving to stay over another night. We'll arrive on Thursday and leave on Saturday. Get that oven ready! Take some pictures of the corn maze if y ou can, we'd love to see them.

Beth said...

Great to hear from Appalachia! You are so busy. I am happy for you that you can get into your own programming now. The training is a great innovation and will probably end up being a template for the rest of the state.

Beth said...

I second what Dad said about pix of the corn maze!! Pix please!