Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Harry Potter Mania!!!

Just wanted to let everyone know, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire opens tomorrow night at midnight. Audrey and I are going to a midnight show at Phipps Plaza. No, we are not wearing costumes. I guess the movie will have to suffice until the new book comes out, and that won't be for a while...


Win said...

The new Johnny Cash biopic "Walk the Line" opens this weekend too. Normally I'd probably go see Harry Potter, and probably will eventually, but I'm psyched to see the Man in Black. Also, "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" opens soon.

Beth said...

I am sad that Narnia is going to be on the big screen. It was one of the last few things left to imagination alone and nothing else (I discount those stupid cartoon versions). Ah well...