The news from Browntown is that it is election day and I have not voted yet! I usually perform that civic duty in the early a.m. but I was running late this morning and so will do so after work. I am thinking it will be weird this year without the big hulking voting machines with the lever-operated curtain! Warren County has touch screen machines according to reports. I guess they have been pre-programmed to vote Republican so I will be voting with a paper ballot as allowed by law.
Dad voted last week absentee as per usual and is now in North Carolina. He is on an extended "tour" this week and will not be home until Tuesday next. His birthday was quiet but nice with phone calls, gift cards and a drive-by visit from Win - he treated us to lunch. The gift card was great- we went to Lowe's over the week-end and blew all but $1.87 of it! It was fun!
I studied most of the week-end for a test that ended up being scheduled for 8:50 P.M last night!! The class is scheduled 7:00 p.m. to 9:50 p.m. and the prof. scheduled it so that we had lecture on new material before the test and then the test! That is much too late for me to take a test and I think I am going to pull a "special needs accommodation" request thing. I cannot work all day long, sit through an hour and half lecture and then still be alert enough to take a test at a time of night when my body clock is telling me it is time for bed!! The prof. himself was yawning through the pre-test lecture. Oh well. Guess I will see if I can get some "accommodation" for future tests in his class. I could have gotten an A if I had been alert enough to have full brain function.
9 years ago
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Yes, I am on an extended tour of North and South Carolina this week. Currently I'm in Warsaw, NC which rumor has it, has exactly one more traffic light than Clinton, NC where the hospital is that I'm working in. As I sit writing this, I have my internet window pointed to the offical Virginia election result site so I can keep up with the returns. Kaine seems to have a small, but hopefully, commanding lead over the rebuplican goober. I have been informed today that I will be visiting the Atlanta area before Christmas. Dates are not set yet, but it looks like the week of 12/12 and POSSIBLY the week of 12/19 as well. We'll see. but if these dates hold I'd like to plan to see both of you 'Lanta kids while I'm there. That's it for now, keep fingers crossed for Mr. Kaine, heaven knows we don't want to go thru the next administration listening to that goof-ball Kilgore and his spew.
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