News From Browntown
Clearly there is a need for guidance and assignment here if we are going to get this Turkey off the ground (yuk, yuk...).
1. arrange for 20 or so pounds of cooked or partially cooked turkey (note: better have two 10 pounders than one 20 pounder) to be available on Thanksgiving Day by the time the fam arrives.
2. clean your bathroom
3. let me know how many dishes, utensils, serving and cooking items I need to bring to supplement what you have
1. bring sweet potato casserole
2. bring blanket and/or sleeping bag for o'nite at Win's
3. miscellaneous fill-in the blank
1. Bring whatever cranberry sauce you want for yourself and enough for everyone else to have some too!
2. bring blanket and/or sleeping bag for o'nite at Win's
3. bring Inside Africa tapes ***** Very Important!!!
1. bring carrot/raisin salad
2. bring pumpkin pie
1. bring mashed potatoes, broccoli, succotash, dressing,
2. other miscellaneous groceries
1. bring the van with us in it
1. bring yourself
Any requests that need to be filled or any other suggestions at this point????
9 years ago
Andrew & Emma: bring the trailer ball/hitch that I left at your place when Emma moved. I know it's not essential to a successful T-Day, but it will make towing my tractor much less stressful than using tie-wraps to connect the trailer to mom's jeep.
dad, that should be no problem...just get some bailing twine, it's can tie it to the luggage rack on top, that's what it's there for, right?
(actually I have the hitch, along with your cabinet thing)
Mom said "AAAAGGGGHHHH!!!!" anyone else think that is funny?
Thank goodness Win has the hitch, because I didn't think it was here. Do you think Cleo can handle her responsiblities? What about Squeaker?
And by the way Mom, you really could have TRIED some cb talk... : )
We have hitch location! And so you all know, the Blog is NOT going away. If you scroll allllllllllllll the way to the bottom each time you visit you'll see the counter showing how many times it's been viewed!
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