News From Browntown
It's been a while!! March has been pretty quiet so far. I always dread the ice storms we frequently get this month of the year but so far none have materialized and we are simply suffering from a near-drought. The blooming things are really starting to pop out and I know there is loads of pollen in the air - lots of snorting and sneezing going on with everybody. We need rain to gree everything up and dampen down the flying dust!
Dad is in Baltimore this week. I am holding down the fort looking forward to the end of the one single class I took this semester. Comm 301 - Communication Between Sexes was a bit too much "Dr. Phil"-type stuff for me and I'm ready for it to be done. Spending every Saturday morning in class was not so bad in the winter time when there was no outdoor work to do but it's time to get in gear for Spring yard work now.
I had a meeting with the advisor at school and it looks like I will have to make up some lower level science and math classes through LFCC. It's the stuff I put off taking for 35 years and now I have to face it. Oh well, it's not like I'm in a rush to get this done, I guess. I do need some advice, though from you good children who did not follow my poor example. You bit the bullet and did what was required so now I need to know -
1. Math or Statistics
Which should I take? You all know all the issues involved and share some of my math anxiety issues so let me know what you recommend.
2. What science?
I know I can take geology but I have to take something else also so let me know what you think might work for that requirement.
Thanks kids!
9 years ago
The little statistics I did was pretty hard, I've always heard it's one of the more difficult post-calculus classes. Do they have a lower math, like consumer math (balancing your checkbook, etc.)?
Chemistry is all math...avoid it. Whatever science you take, be sure to take the "General" designation, not the "College" designation (e.g. General Chem vs. College Chem), it'll be easier. I'd say biology, or anatomy & physiology. Is there an option for botany? You'd do well in that.
Unfortunately the "consumer math" I got away with "back in the day" proved to be unacceptable for the requirements that I have to fulfill now. It has to be one of those regular math classes - UGH!
Good grief Mom, stay away from statistics at ALL COSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's the class that I had that wacko prof. for at Shenandoah, it involved calculus and all kinds of stuff I had no idea about. Do not, I repeat, do not torture yourself with that if you can avoid it! I'm with Win, try fr botany. Anatomy could be interesting. I took geology, and luckily that fulfilled all the science requirement I needed. (Not a fan of the math and science courses, wonder where that comes from???) You have a good science tutor there though, with Auntie Char.
I'm glad the blog is still alive... I was beginning to wonder. (I didn't really have anything exciting to post myself though...)
I am glad to see some activity on the blog. I too was afraid of "inactivity". Which brings to mind, where are all the other bloggers? Would some of you weigh in with your thoughts on this, or any other stuff going on in your lives? While I'm stuck in B'more doesn't mean that the rest of you can't comment on what is going on!
Honey, I know you can get thru the math thing, look at all the support you have! I'll help as much as I can, just don't ask me to do your homeork for you ;)
Betty- See if there is an Environmental Science for non-science majors that you can take. I know some of the colleges have this-we don't here at BRCC-but maybe LF has it. Find out if you have to have a lab or can you take a "lecture only" science course? If you don't have to have a lab, there are online courses through other VCCS colleges that you might want, like the Env. Sci. or even Astronomy.
Re: Anatomy-this usually requires Bio as a pre-req and generally is designed for nursing students-it is pretty in depth and not easy-lots of memorization and detail- unless there is a lower level A&P course for non-nursing students, but I have not heard of it.
You don't want Chemistry-Win is right about the math there.
See you Sat.!
PS-Math: Check out "Math for the Liberal Arts", that would be course #151 in VCCS.
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