I'm glad to see SOMEONE is posting: MOM. While I'm stuck in B'more there is a lot of stuff going on at home. I can't WAIT to get the Cyclone Rake hooked up and clean up the left over leaf situation from the fall. Mom and I are waiting for a visit from Win and Kris in April, and the fresh coat of paint on the homestead to begin shortly. You all will not recognize the place when you come home! Much is happening and I'll update you with pictures as things progress. In the meantime I urge you all to post as often as you can with any news that happens. Oh, by the way, I find that I'll be in B'more on Opening Day (Andrew I'm sure you'd be amazed) that there are many tickets STILL available for the O's opening at Camden Yard on 4/3. I WON'T be there as I have to work that day!
PS: check out the pictures that Uncle Rich took of their trip to OC recently:
9 years ago
Well I sold the farm to take my woman where she used to be
We left our kin and all our friends back there in Tennessee
And I bought those one way tickets she had often begged me for
And they took us to the streets of Baltimore
I can't play this game... but you may be interested to know that I'm going to see Darren Trunks tomorrow night in Athens. WITHOUT Andrew... I know you're freaking out Win... sorry. I'll email you pics.
"Right on through to Baltimore you got to love me now. Break it to do me gently, well it's feets don't fail me now."
Anyone hear that Darren Trunks is touring with Clapton this summer?
"Right on through to Baltimore you got to love me now. Break it to do me gently, well it's feets don't fail me now."
Too easy, don't you know you raised us right? I know a Feat song when I see it.
Anyone hear that Darren Trunks is touring with Clapton this summer?
Derek & The Dominos II, anyone? This is seriously going to be a killer lineup, can't wait to hear the tapes. The rumor's been around for a year or so, it's good to see Derek getting the recognition he deserves from his elders.
"I'm going down the river, down to New Orleans. They tell me everything is gonna be all right but I don't know what "all right" even means. I was riding in a buggy with Miss Mary-Jane...
Miss Mary-Jane got a house in Baltimore"
Trying to Get To Heaven, Dylan
I can't play this game... but you may be interested to know that I'm going to see Darren Trunks tomorrow night in Athens. WITHOUT Andrew... I know you're freaking out Win... sorry. I'll email you pics.
Really Em? I'm impressed...you make me proud :) That's awesome, I'm jealous.
"Oh Baltimore Man it's hard just to live
Oh, Baltimore Man, it's hard just to life, just to live."
Ok, last one. No Google Mr. "I know every song ever written" Win. And NO, I did NOT go looking for this. It's in my MP3 rotation. Give it a shot.
Ok, so I had to use Google...
Dad, I never knew you were a Randy Newman fan.
Speaking of Newman, last night at the Barter, I was looking at the pictures of the actors who got their start there, and one of them was none other than Wayne Knight, Seinfeld's Newman. Also, Dolph Sweet...for Andrew.
I actually got the Dylan song, but didn't want to steal Win's thunder :) On the other hand I wasn't expecting him to give up so easily.
by the way Win, tonite is emma's night out with Darren Trunks. I'll let her tell you about running into Darren & crew at dinner :)
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