It's been awhile since I posted, so I thought it was about time. This week has been a relatively slowed down and relaxed one for me, no travel! It's only Wednesday and all that could change with one phone call however. My latest project in Baltimore seems like it will never end. Since it is getting closer and closer to football season, the anticipation and excitement is growing (well, with Grammy and me anyway, Mom endures as she sits knitting away!!). Football in HD is just great. Of course Monday Night Football is more watchable now that TK is in the booth.
Work on the old homeplace is nearing completion with the planned project of shelving and deck sealing to be finished this week. Pictures will follow. Speaking of pictures, here are just a few taken of the Butterfly bush just off the deck at the back door. The butterflies have been spectacular this season, and we've even had a few hummingbirds visit. Our backyard has become quite the gathering spot for the local Browntown wildlife community with squirrel and deer. Every day is like a battle zone as I step out and dodge the acorns being hurled from above......Cleo doesn't seem to mind, she just calmly walks off the deck (if the grass isn't wet) and stares at the herd of deer hanging out munching Mom's plants. We did manage to salvage most of the eggplant and peppers enabling us to enjoy that most popular of summer dishes..shlumgullion.. or however that is spelled, you get the idea.
Congrats to Win on the completion of what can only be described as a very active and successful summer camp season. We are all looking forward to the pictures that he's promised. If anyone has not already visited the Southwest Virginia 4-H web site, please do so, it is a great snapshot of life in SW VA 4-H life.
I am looking forward to pictures and mp3's of the 991 Rupley St. Front Porch Band too! Founding members Andrew and Jarrett continue rehearsals and are adding to their songlist weekly. Bookings by appointment.
The Dozier Center for the Performing Arts had it's grand opening, and from all reports (see post below) was a huge hit! Congrats to Emma for getting this project off the ground in the Atlanta 'burbs. I am looking forward to a back-stage tour this winter. IDEA: Bring the 991 Rupley band into that impressive studio and lay down some tracks.
Ok, enough ramblings for this morning........enjoy the butterflies!!
Ok, it's not a butterfly, but fish need love too!
As of the family room. Win, can you spot the speakers?
9 years ago
Dad, how about some pictures of your new speakers and the new setup in that room? Also, the URL you posted for our website is temporary...if you google "southwest Virginia 4-h" you'll see the permanent link, though it points to our old site for the moment. Switch-over will be happening soon.
Wow, those butterfly (and fish) pictures are great! Very artistic. The family room looks really good, you guys have really worked hard! Thanks for the pictures.
Win's camp podcasts are just great!! I love to hear those kids doing their "electronic journalism" interviews.
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