Friday, October 27, 2006

News From Browntown

Norma Rae Lives!
I guess all those years of being surrounded by labor icons including George Meany's portrait in PawPaw's office and the famous poster of Salley Field as Norma Rae posted in my office got to Emmalee. Our very own Norma Rae joined the picket line last night along with her brother and sister union musicians and other assorted union members (including some IBEW members who always show up to support a picket line for any of their labor brothers and sisters). Apparently Emma and the President of the IBEW Atlanta Local had quite an interesting chat as they walked the picket line together carrying their picket signs.

Click on this link for the Atlanta Journal Constitution story -
Emma was interviewed for this article but her comments did not make the cut - which is okay because she was there and did her part! You go, girl!
Paw Paw would be so proud.

1 comment:

Andrew Iden said...

Props Em-We just saw Norma Rae a few months ago for the first time, I love that movie.....