Friday, January 19, 2007

Dog days in the Valley

Char and Abby putting on a "heeling" demonstration at the Relay for Life Dog Walk held in November at the Blue Ridge Community College.

Haley and Abby kickin back during a break in the action.

It's back to work for Abby (Haley was saving her place int he shade). Easy to see why Abby was voted in the top 20 in the APDT Level 2 Rally Obedience class. Look at how attentive she is to Char. If only SOME OTHER dog we all know and love paid that much attention.

Congrats again to Char and her girls! Keep us posted on the medal count Char Posted by Picasa


eii said...

That is such a great picture of the two girls!

Anonymous said...

Emma-Abby and Haley appreciate your comments! They do pose well don't they?