Sunday, September 25, 2005

News From Browntown-Santiago

Well, last night we had a very unique cross-cultural experience- Celtic music in Chile and all with a Spanish accent!

Dad´s friend Lucas is a bag pipe player and an enthusiastic one at that. He invited us to his lovely apartment for a pre-concert recital and showed us his bag pipes and played some for us. He says hehas he largest collecion of ba pipes in Chile and
After the meeting at his home we went to a concert at a local high school and had a two hour concert that was absolutely wonderful. First young people, teenagers of about 15 to 17 years played and hey rivaled any professional production of Riverdance that we have seen. FANTASTICO! Then a group of Lucas´ friends played and it was an hour of the most enthusiastic and rousin Celtic music you can imagine. Jaime was absolutely beside himself with delight and excitement! Rolando and
In the morning I went to the Fine Arts Museum and it was lovely. Christina and I had a great time and we have really become fast friends. The The English-Spanish thing is working well with me trying to speak in Spanish and her answering in English. She is a lovely woman and we have our families in common.

Must sign off now to go to breakfast with Lucas. Meeting Christina here at the hotel a 11:30 to go to church together. Blog later!

1 comment:

Andrew Iden said...

So it sounds like not only are you guys having a good time, but my lord you are moving at an iincredibly fast pace...Im getting tired just reading about the stuff going on......