Tuesday, November 22, 2005

If You Have An Hour To Spare....

At the risk of sounding like Im shamelessly plugging CNN, I would advise anyone who has a chance to watch the special CNN Presents "Inside The Secret State: An Inside Look At North Korea" at some point.....It's indredible, and worth the hour for sure. I watched it Saturday and got up angry at the folks in DC (as usual) Mom, you'll especially dig it I think....So yeah, check it out, so Win and Dad, go ahead and Tivo that bad boy......


Beth said...

I saw the prmos for it with parts highlighted. Can you let me know when it is going to be broadcast? Maybe Dad can plug in the name for TiVo.

Win said...

I don't have Tivo any more...but I actually did catch several parts of this during the last two broadcasts...it's interesting. A year or two ago there was another "Presents" that was all about the DMZ, that was fascinating too.