Wednesday, November 09, 2005

News From Browntown

Thank heaven Virginia voters showed some sense! It was good to wake up to Governor Kaine et al this a.m.

Voting in Browntown was different. I used a paper ballot instead of the touch screen. I really do not trust the programming of those touch screen machines and there is no back-up in case of malfunction. A poor system designed for failure, devalues the entire voting process and sends a clear message that individual votes don't actually count anyway - and we wonder what has happened to our Democracy??!!

Anyway, the results were good this time around and we can only hope that the Democrats get over their "cult of personality" obsession with Hilary Clinton long enough to nominate a real candidate for '08. Although maybe the country will be such a mess by then that no one will want to win the Presidency - anyone who comes along to mop up after the Bush disaster will certainly be a one-termer. Then the Dems can get over Hilary with a sacrificial candidacy in '08 (she is sure to lose at the national level), watch the "winning" Republican struggle to pull us out of the mess their party created and then Dems can start anew in 2012. If the Dems will use some sense and work to rebuild from the bottom up during the next few election cycles it is possible they could have majorities in both houses of Congress and some other good foundation groundwork (like Va. with Dem. governor) laid out to position for a solid presidential victory in 2012.

It is clear that Republicans can win elections but cannot govern. That has been proven over and over again. Of course, the ethics involved in their "wins" is always questionable but nevertheless...


Andrew Iden said...

Good to see that its possible the climate is changing in Virginia...maybe its a microcosm of the rest of the country....Lord knows Arnold got a big no thanks when all four of his initiatives got rejected.....In related news, my friend Ben who was running for city council got...well, pummeled in his bid for Atlanta City Council...Oh well....

Beth said...

Ben is a young man with his whole life ahead of him and, apparently, a big interest in the political arena. Everybody has to start somewhere and most people don't win their first time oout of the box. I don't know anything about his politics but I hope he does not get discouraged and give it up.

Win said...

Oh, where to all know how strongly opinionated I can be. Did anyone see Barak Obama on The Daily Show this week? I want that man for President!! Seriously...I'd vote for him today...repeatedly. I don't see Hilary being nominated in '08...Maureen Dowd (who I actually cannot stand...she needs to just shut up already)had some interesting things to say about Hilary (as well as Feraro, feminism, women in politics and women in general) last night. Too much to go into here, but I just don't think we'll see it. The Dems will feel that this time around it's too "important" to be experimental or progressive in that way. Plus, I think even the hard cores know she's basically un-electable. The fundies and neo-cons who voted against gay marriage couldn't stomach a strong-willed woman who shows signs of intelligence and free-thinking. Most middle-of-the-road voters and undecideds are wary of her from her health-care White House days, and there's backlash from Whitewater, Travelgate and the rest of the Ken Starr mess.

I say Barak in '08! Who cares if he's just a freshman, he rocks like socks in a box.

Beth said...

I just read a great article on Barak the other day - think it was in Slate. He is definitey going to be POTUS one day - he has the most broad based support of anyone at this point.

eii said...

Dad must be really out of touch in podunk NC if he hasn't weighed in on this discussion. Me, I have nothing to say...

Gary said...

I've just been enjoying the comments. What can be said about a system that is so grossly out of whack that a former drunken frat boy becomes president, a guy who can't speak english becomes gov. of a state, and an adminstration so packed with dishonest, greedy, treasonous subjects? I pity the next fool who tries to right this sinking ship. ME? I'd be happy to head back to Chile....In the immortal words of Bluto (my Animal House reference for this post)......"Who's with me? Let's gooooooooooooo!!"