Wednesday, July 12, 2006

News From Browntown

Waiting for pics...

I read a lot of blogs and I know what makes them interesting. Long, unbroken reports of boring activities are not one of the more interesting elements.

In an effort to liven up our own News From Browntown, I have just delivered two rolls of film to Costco for developing, instructed them to be put on CD and will post the most incriminating - oops, make that interesting - ones as soon as I have them back. I am studying up now on how to post CD pics to this format.

More to come...


eii said...

Mom has incriminating photos??? I'm intrigued...

Gary said...

I think she said "interesting" photos. She probably means the ones of our trip to Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park. The only "incriminating" photos on those rolls would be of the crazy buzzard trying to get at the baby Peregine Falcon babies :)